Thursday, May 27, 2010

WTF Thursday

Since I don't anticipate being able to blog tomorrow (regularly scheduled WTF Friday), I'm officially declaring this WTF Thursday.

John McCain (you remember him, right? the let's-work-together, I-love-the-military, Mr. Bipartisanship of 2008?) is saying that he will "without a doubt" support a filibuster blocking the entire defense budget to stop the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. What is this man's problem?

He is also apparently asking the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to oppose the bill, even though Obama and the Defense Secretary support it.

This is Right-Wing Hatred and Obstructionism at its worst. Honestly, holding up the bill that funds protective gear for our men and women in combat, security at our airports, and oh yeah, those borders that the right is up in arms about, just in order to keep LGBT folks in the closet a little longer.


Thanks to the Courage Campaign for this breaking story.

1 comment:

  1. seriously gross. the face, the hair, the comments. it's all gross.
