Friday, June 4, 2010

WTF Friday: Oil Disaster Edition

WTF is with the linguistic manipulation of this petroleum-based environmental disaster? I'm refusing to use the term "spill." I also got really upset last night when a TV host called the situation a "natural disaster." There's nothing natural about millions of gallons of black, sticky fossil fuel gushing out of a human-made well. See below:

This whole situation is one big WTF, as in WTF was BP thinking with their gross (purposeful?) underestimations of the rate of oil coming out of the well, WTF is wrong with the US regulatory system, and WhyTF isn't there 100 times more public outcry for clean energy after all of this?

I nearly cried at work today looking at these nauseating photos of seabirds covered in oil, struggling to fly, and dead dolphins washed up on beaches. Imagine if we also had photos of every family who's now worried about paying their mortgage or having enough to eat this month because their income is Gulf-based.

And as always, my big question to you: what should we be doing from home, aside from boycotting BP and being legitimately angry? You can donate to the Audubon Society to help rehabilitate some of those poor birds here, and please share potential solutions for long-term Gulf economic and environmental recovery.

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