Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my new blog. Actually, welcome to my old blog, which has never had more than one post, and is now experiencing a spring rebirth!

This page is a way for me to talk to y'all about the news, which I follow rabidly, and my opinions, which I wish others would hear more and challenge more. My partner and blog coach, Vicki, has been encouraging me to blog about political issues and action for a long time, and I've been feeling lately as if I've become a little stagnant in my action-taking, I am!

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous. I've been cultivating my blog for a year and I have 6 followers. You post once and you already have 3? You have more power than you know, dear. I guest posted your blog too. Now my sister can read it :)
