Monday, April 12, 2010

I love predictions, especially when they involve my favorite Clinton

What time is it? Time for another Supreme Court nomination / confirmation smackdown!

During the 2008 presidential election, one of the many many issues at stake that didn't get enough attention was the Supreme Court. It was common knowledge that the new president would get to nominate at least 1, and maybe as many as 3, lifetime justices. Justice Sonia Sotomayor's presence on the Court is Reason Number 759 that I'm glad Obama won.

Now that Justice John Paul Stevens has officially announced his retirement, the speculating has begun on Obama's next nomination.

Not to brag overly much, but after Obama clinched the Dem nomination for president and before he chose Biden as a running mate, a co-worker and I totally predicted that Hillary would not be the VP choice, but would be an Obama Supreme. I then proceeded to think about how only Hill could make those robes look sexy. Now the Senate has finally caught up. Senator Orrin Hatch said today that he heard Hillary Clinton's name circulating as a possible nominee.
Look at this hot young Yale Law student!

Whether or not it turns out to be true, this was a great quote from the article:

'Hatch wouldn't say whether he'd support Clinton. But he did say "I like Hillary Rodham Clinton" and said he thinks she's done a good job for Democrats. Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, retorted: "I think she's done a good job for the country, not just for Democrats."'

That's right, Leahy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Hillarite too. I support Obama because she tells me too.
