Thursday, September 2, 2010

ANOTHER Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf.

As is apparent from the dates on these posts, I've been slacking a little lately (not on following the news, I promise you, but on blogging about it).

But this is enough to pull me back in.

That's right, folks, as of 10 minutes ago there are reports of another oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Another. Oil. Rig. Explosion. out of Louisiana is reporting that dozens are injured and rescue helicopters are responding.

I thought that the BP spill disaster would be the catalyst for a whole new era of American energy policy, or at least would change the conversation. From where I'm standing, it has not. How many more dirty-energy related tragedies are we going to have to see, experience, pay for, and debate before we get real?

(I saw this cartoon on Campus Progress awhile back and have been thinking on it since.)

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