Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Required Reading, Required Thinking

To my faithful (and few, and treasured) readers, I apologize for the long gap in posts this week. I have two good reasons. 1: I have been at my parents' house in the mountains since last Friday, and I am consciously taking a break from my normal non-stop internet-bound life. 2: I am deeply absorbed in reading a book that I hope all of you will seriously consider reading, Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil: My Life and Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society by Inga Muscio (who also penned another book that has changed my life and worldview, Cunt: A Declaration of Independence). It is hereby placed on the Cara Politica Required Reading list, with an asterisk especially for my dear White readers.

I am only on page 16 of the hefty little book, and it has already made me think more about things that really matter than anything I've read this year. I am in the process of grieving (more) for the deeply hurtful racist history of the United States and re-learning the cultural storylines that make up my White identity. I am feeling inspired to push harder and do things differently. I haven't gotten to process it all yet, but you'll hear from me when I do. In the meantime, I'll say it again, please read this book! Thank you so much to Rachel V. for reminding me to read it now.

It's out of print (crime against humanity), so I ordered my copy from, an Asheville-based bookseller and great alternative to Amazon and other far-away shippers for new and used books. Holler at me if you want to discuss further and/or borrow my copy when I'm done!

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